Freedom Cruisers Riding Club - National Website

Application for Membership

Be sure to see the link at the bottom of this page regarding membership to the
American Motorcyclist Association (AMA)

Terms of Membership:

  • Membership in the Freedom Cruisers is open to anyone that is 18 years of age or older, of any race, creed or sex.
  • Members must own and ride a motorcycle. (Operators Only)
  • A spouse, or any person can also become a member if they ride as a passenger, but an Application for Membership must be sent in for each person.
  • If an applicant does not have a computer, any member of the club can enter the application for the applicant.
  • Please ensure the applicant understands the waiver of liability located on the application page before applying.
  • Members may pick a chapter of their choice.
  • If we do not have a chapter in your area, you will be placed as a Member-at-Large (MAL) until we do, or you may start your own chapter. For a Member-at-Large, please use Chapter 0 as your Chapter Requested on the application.

We do ask:

  • Always ride safe!
  • Do not give the club a bad name.
  • Get involved in the club when you can.
  • Respect other members rights and beliefs.
  • Never disrespect or misrepresent the club Patch.
  • We do promote motorcycle and public safety rules.
  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will we be involved in any illegal activity.

General Disclaimer:
The Freedom Cruisers, is a NON-PROFIT organization, operating with the sole purpose of promoting good, clean, and safe riding activities. Each member participates in activities solely by choice and participation itself relinquishes any responsibility of the Freedom Cruisers as an organization for any and all liabilities resulting in participation in any club related event or activity. All activities and events must comply with any State or local laws and ordinances. Any personal injury or property damage resulting during a club activity or at any time, becomes the responsibility of the individual parties involved, and at no time shall the Freedom Cruisers be held liable. Any individual involved in any illegal activities will be immediately scrutinized by the Freedom Cruisers Officers and subject to immediate removal from the club roster and membership roles and forbidden to claim any and all association with the Freedom Cruisers, to include, but not limited to:

  • Removal of club patch and insignias of any sort.
  • Prohibited to participate in any activity of the Freedom Cruisers.
  • The Freedom Cruisers reserves the right to accept or reject members and to periodically, without notice, revise or amend rules and regulations where necessary.

By typing YES in the following prompt,

I hereby certify that I am 18 years of age or older, possess a valid motorcycle license and insurance required by my state. (Operators Only)

By signing this application for membership (entering YES in the Agree field) I understand that the information on this application, including some personal information, may or may not be made public.

I agree with the aforementioned Terms of Membership in the Freedom Cruisers.

This membership application functions better with Internet Explorer.

Agree (Yes or No)  You must type 'YES' to agree with the aforementioned Terms of Membership
Full Name  Tyipcally your first and last name
Nickname  Member name you would like (enter * for no nickname)
Street Address
Address 2
State  2 letter abbr.
Zipcode  zip or zip+4
Email Address
Phone Number  nnn-nnn-nnnn
Date of Birth  mm/dd/yyyy
Bike(s) Owned  (ex. 2006 Kawasaki Nomad 1500)
Riding Experience  number of years, etc.
Other Club
  0 of 100
Referred By
Chapter Requested  The chapter you would like to join (5, 27, 38, etc.) Enter 0 for member at large
Comments  0 of 300

NOTE: All Members-at-Large (MAL) please use 0 (zero) for Chapter requested. If you are experiencing trouble submitting the membership application, please copy and paste the form into an email message (or word processing document attached to an email) and send to the Membership Director at

If you are still having trouble, please contact us directly by email at the above email address.

The Freedom Cruisers organization apologize for any inconvience and will do our best to process your membership application as soon as possible.

AMA Membership:

FCRC National has been Chartered as a club under AMA. For each member wanting to sign up for AMA please use this link.

Once the application is complete, we at National will need to order the AMA Chartered Club Member front patch. This patch will only be made available to current FCRC members, who also have current AMA membership under our AMA charter. To get the AMA Charted Club Member front patch, please email to us at AMA@freedom‑, including your full name, AMA member number, AMA membership expiration date, FCRC Chapter number, home address and phone number. The cost of the AMA patch is $7 plus any applicable shipping fees. We will reply once the patch request email has been processed, and request payment at that time.

Thank you,
Membership Director